Thursday, December 18, 2008

Final Project: Lesbotypes

Artist Statement:

There is an old-fashioned conception of the way that a lesbian must look, act, and dress. Yet in reality there are as many different “types” of queer women as there are women in the world. As more attention is given to queer identities and issues in mainstream media, more stereotypes of what a lesbian looks like are emerging. I am interested in this idea of self-representation, and the blend of truth and fiction that is present in all stereotypes. With this project, I set out to depict 6 different stereotypes or personas that have been attributed to lesbians/dykes in the past as well as today. I could continue this project with many more, and I will. The idea is that through this exploration of the stereotypes within one sub-group of people, questions will emerge about what stereotypes are placed on other groups as well. How do others label you? How do you label yourself? How do those two match up? These are important questions in thinking about identity and self-representation. For me, it just depends on the day.

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